The CPAP machine has been used for years and it is still one of the most used and effective equipment that can help treat sleep apnea, but is there any disadvantage? Yes there are and I will tell you about it.

So, what are the complications of using a CPAP machine? Check this list below that will show you the complications of using a CPAP machine. It happens, but it’s very rare or least likely.

  1. Drying the skin
    • The CPAP machine can, without a doubt, dry the skin with the air pressure it gives along with the humidifier. Try using skin lotions in the morning or after bathing to counter this effect.
  2. Lack of comfort
    • CPAP masks are usually attached to the machine using a wire or a cord that is sometimes, not long enough to let the users move freely. This is one of the top complications of using CPAP.
  3. Dry and stuffy nose
    • Similar to the skin, the CPAP machine can dry out your nose too. It can cause nasal congestion or a runny nose.
  4. Not good for claustrophobic patients
    • Claustrophobic users might have their phobia triggered.

      Even those who are not claustrophobic may feel “suffocated” when wearing the mask and have the short cord that limits their movement.
  5. Skin irritation
    • The air pressure can cause the skin to be irritated or pressured. If the machine is also not properly maintained, it can lead to severe irritation that may spread out.
  6. Triggers certain allergic reaction
    • Depending on the materials used to fabricate the mask and other parts of the machine that makes contact with your skin, it may or may not trigger specific allergic reactions.
  7. Loud noises
    • Just like any typical airing device, the CPAP machine makes loud noises whenever it is on. This can make it harder to sleep or for anyone that can hear it.
    • You may read about “How to Quiet Down a CPAP Machine” for some tips.
  8. Dry mouth
    • Not only your nose, but the CPAP machine can also dry out your mouth. This may lead to infection if the machine is also not properly maintained.
  9. Difficulty falling asleep
    • Every person is different, not everyone can easily get used to sleeping with a mask on that is attached to a loud machine with a short wire. It can be very challenging or even stressful.
  10. Accidentally unplugging the machine
    • Due to the short cord that some CPAP machines are designed with, when the user falls into sleep and unconsciously moves around, they may end up unplugging the machine.

These complications are not common and very rare to occur. Using a CPAP machine is normally safe, secure and provides a lot of health benefits.

What causes complications when using a CPAP machine

Usually, the things that causes complications when using a CPAP machine are very limited.

  1. Wrong air pressure
    • Sometimes, the air pressure may be too low or too high that can lead to complications. Get the right air pressure by consulting your doctor.
  2. Incompatible mask
    • Different people need different types of masks. It can depend on the facial structure, the sleeping habits or more.
  3. Leaky, worn out mask
    • An old mask may no longer stick to your face properly and will not be properly “sealed” and cause leaks.
  4. Incorrect humidifier setting
    • Some people also use a humidifier along with their CPAP machines. Using the wrong humidifier settings can end up worsening your condition.
  5. Unmaintained CPAP machine
    • Companies suggest users to clean the machine and its equipment on a daily basis, but ideally, cleaning it weekly is also acceptable. Not doing so can lead to complications.
  6. Improper setup of the machine
    • It is possible that the machine is not properly set up, the cord may not be attached properly or the machine is placed in a room with not enough air or such.
  7. Defective or fake CPAP machine
    • The risk of buying without a doctor’s prescription is buying a defective machine that may lead to complications. A legitimate product is always safe and guaranteed to work perfectly.
  8. Old or worn out CPAP machine
    • CPAP machines can last up to 7 years if properly maintained. If you’ve been using a very old CPAP machine, it may no longer work the way it should and might cause complications.

      You should also avoid leaving the machine on if you’re already done using it. The average hours of sleep you should get using the machine should be 6 hours, so turn it off after that.
  9. Sharing the CPAP machine
    • It is not recommended to use someone else’s CPAP machine or share it with someone. This can further complicate your health and potentially lead to more health risks.
  10. Insufficient water level
    • The CPAP machine also uses water to help filter the machine and when the water level goes down, the machine may end up not working and can lead to other complications.

Most of these examples are very small possible causes and may not happen at all, but it’s still important to be educated about it.

When using a CPAP machine causes complications

Even though it is rare, it still happens. So what can you do in case you experience any of those complications brought by the CPAP machine? Check this list of tips that can help you out.

  1. Change masks
    • Sometimes, the problem may be with the mask. You can contact your device’s manufacturer or consult a health expert for advice on what kind of mask should you use.
  2. Check for leaks
    • The problem might be with the mask. The leak might cause unfiltered air to be breathed in, causing complications.

      If the mask is okay but there are leaks, you can consider using a mask liner that can help properly seal the mask and avoid leaks.
  3. Use a different humidifier
    • Humidifiers can cause irritation for your lungs, try to use a different setting and see if the problem persists. You can also try to stop using the humidifier to check for any difference.
  4. Try adjusting the pressure
    • The CPAP machine may be giving you higher air pressure than what you should be receiving. Try to lower it and see if it will make a difference.
  5. Clean your CPAP machine
    • It is important to clean your CPAP machine at least once a week, if your health is vulnerable or very sensitive, cleaning it daily is recommended.

      If not, an unclean CPAP machine can cause complications.
  6. Verify if you have allergies
    • You must find out if you have any allergies for product materials like silicone which is often used in producing the masks. If that is the case, then switch to another mask.
  7. Stop using the CPAP machine
    • Stop using the CPAP machine for a while to see if there will be any difference. If your lungs continue to hurt, then the CPAP machine may not be the problem.

      You can also consider getting a different CPAP machine, or a newer one.
  8. Stop or limit smoking
    • Smoking can also irritate your lungs, it is also one of the reasons why a person can be prone to sleep apnea. Limit or avoid smoking to avoid causing your lungs to swell.

      You should also avoid secondhand smoke if you are not a smoker. Going to sleep with CPAP machine after being exposed to smoke and using high air pressure can hurt your lungs.
  9. Avoid overusing the machine
    • The average or minimum amount of usage for the CPAP machine is only for 6 to 7 hours. Going beyond or longer than 8 hours can possibly cause irritation or drying up your lungs.
  10. Visit your doctor
    • You can consult your sleep apnea doctor first or CPAP machine provider for ideas. If the fault is within the CPAP machine, the manufacturer can be held responsible and cover your expenses.

      Sometimes, they can also replace the machine if it is faulty.

How using a CPAP machine prevents causing complications

Rather than causing complications, the CPAP machine stops other health complications more than any other equipment that you can imagine. So, to stop you from worrying, check this list of positive things CPAP can do.

  1. Lessen daytime sleepiness
    • Sleep apnea can make it difficult to fall asleep at night. If you use CPAP, you may prevent this.
  2. Anti-snoring device
    • Using a CPAP mask can control snoring tendencies. Sleep apnea patients are often loud and constant snorers but with CPAP, now you can sleep better.
  3. No more morning headaches
    • Sleep apnea also causes headaches. CPAP users report better mornings without headaches after using CPAP.
  4. Avoid heart failures
    • May lead to fatal conditions such as brain damages or even death, CPAP can prevent heart failures caused by sleep apnea.
  5. Avoid heart attacks
    • Sleep apnea can trigger heart attacks and can also be severely threatening however, this can be prevented by using the CPAP machine.
  6. Stop irregular heartbeats
    • Irregular heartbeats worsens the ability to breathe and it can trigger anxiety but CPAP can bring your heartbeat pattern back to normal.
  7. Prevent stroke
    • Getting hit by stroke can leave permanent damage that may lead to paralysis. Sleep apnea can also be the cause of stroke but the help of CPAP machine can lessen the risk of stroke.
  8. Improved control for emotions
    • Sleep apnea can cause irritability and mental or emotional problems because it affects our physical health and our brain but CPAP can prevent it.
  9. Helps the body control your hormones
    • Being sleep deprived can actually trigger diabetic tendencies! This is because your hormones will lose control due to lack of sleep which can be prevented or fixed by CPAP machines.
  10. Avoid uncontrolled weight gain or loss
    • Sleep apnea also messes with the body’s hormones, causing the patient to usually gain weight uncontrollably. For rare cases, patients lose weight too. CPAP machines can prevent this.
  11. Avoiding high blood pressure
    • Aside from your physical health, hypertension can also affect your mental health and relationship with people around you including your work. CPAP treatment can prevent this.
  12. Better ability to focus and memorize
    • Sleep apnea reduces your ability to focus and worsens ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), but using CPAP machine can improve your ability to focus!
  13. Avoid driving accidents
    • People with sleep apnea are prone to daytime sleepiness and can get sleepy while driving or lose focus which can lead to accidents, using a CPAP machine can prevent that.
  14. Wake up with full energy
    • With sleep apnea, your energy will be reduced since you are unable to sleep well. The CPAP machine can fix that for you.
  15. Eliminates risk of seizure
    • Sleep apnea patients are more prone to seizures during sleep compared to epilepsy patients without sleep apnea.
  16. Reduce medical expenses
    • Untreated sleep apnea can lead to worsened health conditions or bring in other risky illnesses that can be prevented by using a CPAP machine, this way, you can avoid extra medical bills.

Related Questions

Can your CPAP make you sick?

Yes, using a CPAP machine can make you sick if it is not cleaned or maintained properly. Sharing the machine with someone else can also make you sick.

As long as you maintain your machine properly and avoid sharing it with others, you can also avoid getting sick from it.

Can sleep apnea cause lung problems?

Yes, sleep apnea can cause lung problems. Sleep apnea disrupts the entire body’s functionality that may lead to several health problems, not just lung related problems.

It is an accompanying disease that comes in with a related problem or invites another one.

In any case, a lung problem and sleep apnea, regardless of who came first, worsens each other and must be cured asap.