Being able to sleep when there is the sound of snoring can be difficult. Snoring is pretty common which is why it’s not surprising when there are already plenty of ways available today that can fix the problem.

So, how to muffle the sound of snoring? Check these 10 tips to muffle the sound of snoring.

  1. Suggest to cure the snoring
    • Wouldn’t it be better to cure it instead of coping with it through muffling the sound?
  2. Wear earbuds, listen to music
    • Earbuds can help cancel out the noise coming from the sound of snoring. You can also listen to music to help you sleep better.
  3. Use an anti-snore medical device
    • There are different kinds of anti-snoring devices available today. Try to use one at a time.
  4. There are also anti-snore pillows
    • This can help muffle the sound of snoring and also get rid of it.
  5. Advise them to sleep early and properly
    • Sometimes, loud snoring can happen if we sleep late and exhausted.
  6. Limit smoking and liquor before bed
    • Excessive smoking can trigger loud snoring and so does too much consumption of alcohol. Avoiding them can prevent the sound of snoring.
  7. Sleep first before your partner does
    • One way to help you ignore the sound of snoring is by going to sleep first so you don’t have to go through the night dealing with the noise.
  8. Make them sleep on their sides
    • The sleeping position can also worsen the sound of snoring. If they sleep on their sides, it can help muffle the sound of snoring or get rid of.
  9. Consider using a white noise machine
    • A machine that will cancel out the noises by tricking our minds through the use of low sound.
  10. Avoid letting them overeat before sleeping
    • Going to bed with a full stomach can trigger loud snoring. Don’t sleep immediately after eating.

As you can see, most of these are methods that can stop or prevent snoring itself. Muffling the sound is a temporary solution and it’s best to go for long term answers instead so read on to learn more tips!

How to stop the sound of snoring?

In case you are the snorer and you want to muffle the sound of your snoring but it’s just not enough.. there are plenty of medical devices that can help you get rid of the snoring sounds.

  1. Nasal Strips
    • Nasal strips are one of the earliest tools used to treat conditions like sleep apnea and its symptoms such as snoring. Nowadays, there are newly developed nasal strips that you can try.
  2. Oral Appliance
    • Oral pieces can help with sleep apnea and silence snoring, they are custom made to make sure it prevents the obstruction in the airways and counter sleep apnea and snoring.
  3. CPAP Treatment
    • The CPAP or “Continuous Positive Airway Pressure” is a commonly used treatment and proven to be effective for sleep apnea patients and muffling the sound of snoring.
  4. Lose weight
    • Being overweight or obesity can be a cause of snoring. You can potentially get rid of snoring by getting plenty of exercises and maintaining a healthy, balanced diet.
  5. Stop or avoid smoking too much.
    • Excessive smoking can cause or worsen snoring. Reducing your smoke intake per day will also reduce the risk of snoring. If possible, quit smoking to potentially get rid of snoring.
  6. Avoid excessive alcohol consumption
    • Drinking too much alcohol before sleeping can cause and worsen snoring just like smoking.
  7. Avoid sedatives before going to sleep
    • Certain sedatives can cause snoring. Consult a medical expert to determine what type of sedative may be the cause.
  8. Maintain a proper sleep routine.
    • Sometimes, we end up getting exposed to snoring since we simply don’t sleep at the right time. Try to avoid staying up late and sleep early.
    • Try to keep a proper sleeping position as well. Try to sleep with your head elevated or sleeping in a recliner chair.
  9. Don’t overwork yourself all the time.
    • Going to sleep exhausted can make us a lot more prone to snoring. It’s important to relax a little bit at first before going to bed to lessen the risk of sleep apnea and snoring.
  10. Treat chronic allergies
    • Some allergies can trigger obstruction in your body’s airways and may cause you to have sleep apnea and cause you to snore. Treat or avoid triggering your allergies to avoid snoring.

Some of these are just simple lifestyle changes and sleeping position changes. Muffling the sound of snoring can be different depending on what causes it in the first place.

What causes the sound of snoring?

To help muffle the sound of snoring, it’s important to know what may cause it in the first place.

There are plenty of reasons why a person may snore but mainly, it’s when the person is experiencing difficulty in breathing.

When the body is unable to breathe properly, the surrounding tissues may vibrate which causes the sound called snoring.

This can happen because of chronic conditions or natural anatomy formation. It can be because of a narrow throat or such which can be fixed through surgeries.

If not, there are also other reasons why a person will snore. Check out this list to see if it may be applicable to your situation.

  1. Being overweight
    • Body fat can get in the way of the body’s ability to stretch its airways open making it harder to breathe which will cause snoring.
  2. Airway obstruction
    • Anything that can obstruct the airways will make breathing difficult and cause the tissues to vibrate and cause snoring.
  3. Sleeping position
    • Sleeping on your back may cause the tongue to fall back and the muscles to relax which can block the airways.
  4. Drinking liquor
    • Drinking excessive liquor especially before going to sleep will relax the muscles and create difficulty in breathing
  5. Smoking cigarettes
    • Similar to drinking liquor
  6. Taking medications
    • Certain medications can make the body relax as well
  7. Sleeping exhausted
    • Sometimes, going to bed overworked or completely exhausted can cause snoring since the body is too tired to help your breathing stay normal.
  8. Anatomical build
    • Your physical attributes can obstruct your airways and some of this can be hereditary.
  9. Age
    • As we age, our throat will become narrower which is beyond our control. However, proper sleep routine and a healthy, balanced diet can prevent snoring or sleep apnea.

Snoring can be caused by different things and some of these cannot be prevented but it’s important that you learn about these factors or conditions to help you understand why you snore or someone is snoring.

What is snoring a sign of?

Snoring can be a sign of a sleeping condition called “sleep apnea”. Sleep apnea is a complicated illness that can end up bringing in other diseases to our body which is why it is important to cure the snoring immediately.

How to get rid of snoring sounds caused by sleep apnea

The thing is, if the snoring is caused by something complicated such as sleep apnea, muffling the sound may not be enough anymore since it is also just a temporary cure. Here’s a list of surgeries that can cure snoring.

  1. Rapid Maxillary Expansion
    • For children with obstructive sleep apnea. This process places an expandable brace on the roof of the mouth that increases the width of the upper jaw (maxilla).
    • Over time, parents can adjust the brace using a special key to increase the amount of pressure for the teeth.
  2. Jaw Advancement Surgery
    • For teenagers and adults. This process will surgically break the jaw bones, moved forward and then fixed properly with screws and plates and will change the person’s facial structure or profile.
    • It might take months to recover.
  3. Surgical Airway Advancement
    • Similar to the 2nd example. Bones of the upper and lower jaw will be repositioned in a way that will relieve airway obstruction.

It’s important to consult a health expert to determine the proper surgery suited for your condition. After all, sleep apnea can be a complicated condition and needs careful analysis before doing anything else.

Related Questions

How do you soundproof a room for snoring?

You can use a white noise machine that can mask the sound of snoring. There are also rooms designed to be soundproof and block noises coming from the outside.

So if you have a snoring housemate and the sound reaches your room, you can have a soundproof room built with the right materials or use a machine that can get rid of the sound which can be more convenient.

What is the best way to block out snoring?

The best way to block out snoring is by using a white noise machine. It isn’t uncomfortable to use unlike earplugs that have to stay attached to our ears all night long.

However, it will still be better to permanently get rid of the cause of snoring by treating what condition the snorer may have. Advise them to see a doctor for remedy.

Do white noise machines help with snoring?

Yes, white noise machines help with snoring sounds but not the snoring itself. It produces a low sound that we may not hear at all but it successfully masks the sound of snoring.